Upcoming Events
8 – Saturday, 8:00AM - COR Meeting in Parish Hall
8 - Saturday - Food Collection for Lac Ste. Anne... Grocery Gift Cards will also be available... between 10am and Noon in the church parking lot
19 -Wednesday, 7PM General Meeting (Coffee & Donuts)
22 - Saturday - Food Collection for Sacred Heart Parish ...Grocery Gift Cards will also be available... between 10am and Noon in the church parking lot
5 - Saturday - Food Collection for St. Albert Food Bank ...Grocery Gift Cards will also be available... between 10am and Noon in the church parking lot
6 - Sunday - Pancake Breakfast after the 9 & 11AM Masses - Charity: Newman Theological College 7 – Monday, 6PM Executive Meeting
12 - Saturday, 8:00AM - COR Meeting in Parish Hall
16 -Wednesday, 7PM General Meeting (Coffee & Donuts)
16 -Wednesday, 7PM General Meeting (Coffee & Donuts)
19 - Saturday - Food Collection for Lac Ste. Anne... Grocery Gift Cards will also be available... between 10am and Noon in the church parking
5 – Monday, 6PM Executive Meeting
21 -Wednesday, 7PM General Meeting (Coffee & Donuts) ELECTIONS